OCTOBER 24, 2024
Brief Announcements today, but brimming with Brahms, and our holiday composers.
Notice to new members that the Announcements are all on the website, CCOrchestra.org, Musicians Only portal, You can find out more about our upcoming AGM on November 18, the need for volunteers, from ushers through to Directors, etc. You will also find the Sheet Music for all the music for our holiday concert in the Musicians Only portal.
For our October 28 rehearsal, Music Director Andrew Chung plans a run-through of the entire Brahms Symphony No. 1. Although we are not performing this work until our March 22 concert, he thinks it’s imperative for all of us to get a sense of the size and scope of this work.
For the Brahms’ piece, once you are on the IMSLP site, scroll down until you find the version we are using:Hans Gál (1890-1987) Publisher Info. Sämtliche Werke, Band 1 Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1926-27. Plate J.B. 1.
Andrew also emphasizes how important it is to listen carefully to a recording of this work, Brahms’ first symphony, written when he was 46 years old and had been composing for over 20 years. It pays homage to Beethoven by referencing two of Beethoven’s major works while still embarking in compelling new directions of his own, with overlapping themes that cover the gamut of emotions.
Sticky Notes is an engaging classical music podcast presented by Joshua Weillerstein, an American composer and conductor. Here are his comments on Brahms’ work and a link to his podcast (about 45 minutes):
Brahms Symphony No. 1
Sticky Notes: The Classical Music Podcast
Brahms was only 20 years old when Robert Schumann wrote his famous Neue Bahnen(New Paths) article that proclaimed Brahms as the future of music and the heir of Beethoven. Beethoven had only been dead for 26 years at this point, and his shadow still loomed large over every single composer living in Germany, and beyond. Brahms knew that the most concrete way he would be compared with Beethoven would be through a symphony, and so…he studiously avoided writing one. It’s not like he didn’t try. Brahms began sketching symphonies only one year after the Neue Bahnen article, but he kept revising the sketches, or more often, burning them as inferior products. This would go on for 23 more years, until 1876. Brahms was 43 when he finally completed his first symphony, and it was worth the wait. What Brahms came up with would inspire symphonists to this day, and would carry on the tradition that Beethoven laid out with both a respectful and loving look back into the past, with a clear eye forwards into the future. Today we'll dissect this piece in detail, taking it down to its foundational elements in order to see how Brahms created this masterpiece of a first symphony. Join us!
Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/sticky-notes-the-classical-music-podcast/id1215386938?i=100060243241
Snacks: October 28, First Violins; November 4 Second Violins.
Kye Marshall attended our anniversary concert last June and immediately introduced herself to the CCO Chair and offered to get involved with the CCO. She is a well established Canadian musician (cello) and composer, composing works from jazz through opera, and winning awards for them. It’s exciting that Ms Marshall is willing to get involved with the CCO, now and perhaps in future. See her website: kyemarshall.com
Ms Marshall will be attending our November 28 rehearsal to hear our rendition of Why Not Blues.
Michael J. Glasgow is an American composer, conductor and arranger. He composed Concerto for Castings for an orchestra in Hong Kong celebrating the arrival of newly purchased handbells. (The “casting” is the heart of a handbell - the traditional bronze bell metal part.) Michael is pleased that the CCO has chosen his piece to perform and will be attending our Dec. 7 concert.
Monday October 28 - Rehearsal at The 519. Brahms Symnphony No. 1. Snacks: First Violins. (Nov. 4 - Second Violins)
Thursday November 14 - Board meeting by Zoom. Members can attend. Contact emitchell1727@gmail.com for an invitation.
Monday November 18 - Annual General Meeting for the first 45 minutes of the rehearsal. Election of Directors to the Board. Kye Marshall attends.
Friday December 6, 7:00 to 10:00pm - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United, 310 Danforth (Chester subway)
Saturday December 7, 7:30pm - CCO Holiday Concert, "Bells & Glitter”, Eastminster United 310 Danforth Ave. (Chester station)
Mondays January 6 and after (excluding statutory holidays) - Rehearsals resume, 7:30 to 9:30 at the 519 Community Centre
Monday February 17 - Family Day, no rehearsal.
Monday February 24 - rehearsals resume
Friday March 21, 2025, 7:00 to 10:00pm - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United
Saturday March 22 - 7:30pm Concert, Eastminster United
Monday March 24 - possible date for resumption of rehearsals. Otherwise they resume on March 31
Monday April 21 - Easter Monday. The 519 will be closed. Discussion required about rehearsing elsewhere this night (or not). Otherwise they continue April 28.
Monday May 19 - no rehearsal Victoria Day
Monday May 26 - rehearsals resume
Friday June 6 - 7:00 to 10:00pm - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United
Saturday June 7 - 7:30pm - Concert, Eastminster United.
If you personally are performing in a concert or gig you would like others to know about, you can:
(i) post it in the Musicians’ Only section of the CCO website;(ii) bring your poster to a rehearsal and leave it at the table at the entrance to the rehearsal venue; (iii) send details to emitchell1727@gmail.com for including in this spot in the CCO ANNOUNCEMENTS.