Dear CCO Member -
Looking forward to seeing you Monday night at the Annual General Meeting, 7:30pm. We’ll try to keep it brief so that we can get to the rehearsal, with Emily Li.
Attached are the following documents for the AGM:
(i) Agenda
(ii) Minutes from the AGM in 2023
(iii) Annual Board Report for the 2023-24 Season
(iv) The Financial Statements prepared by the CCO Accountant
(v) The Treasurer’s Report.
We are asking everyone to bring an electronic device on which they can read the documents. We do not want to incur the cost of printing copies for everyone. There will be a very few hard copies available at the door.
There will be an election of Directors. The current Board has a slate, and nominations are welcome from the floor.
See you Monday.
Liz Mitchell. CCO Chair